Monday, September 7, 2009


We found out last Friday that we were scheduled to leave on Sept. 10 for China!!! But around lunch time, we got an email from our travel director and there was a problem getting my visa b/c of my profession of working for the media.

She sent our passports and Linda's visa back to us and we got them on Saturday afternoon...the dang FedEx guy couldn't find our house...but Linda's brother tracked him down and brought him back to us. Then, we had to take my passport, visa application, a money order, and a letter saying I wasn't going over to China to report on stuff and send it to a courier in Houston to take to the Chinese Consulate in Houston to get my visa in one day and send it back to me ASAP.

So, the travel director moved our plane reservations back to Friday, Sept. 11 (yes 9-11) so we are scheduled to leave then. Please say a prayer for us that we get my visa back in time...Kristen, the travel person, reassured me with an email about 11 p.m. on Friday night so I'm trying my best not to worry too much.

Mark and Linda

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